Let’s beat cancer.One family at a time.
The GIFT study helps protect families from cancer.
GIFT is the Genetic Information & Family Testing study
GIFT gives families a new way to learn about their cancer risk and how to protect themselves from cancer.
GIFT can help your family members learn or learn more---without you needing to explain everything.
GIFT is an online family education program that offers people a new way to:
- Learn about their cancer risk and how to protect themselves from cancer
- Get low-cost, at home, saliva (spit) genetic testing
GIFT makes learning easy for more family members. GIFT can help your:
- First-degree relatives: Parents, brothers, sisters, children
- Second-degree relatives: Aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews
GIFT was created by cancer patients, family members, and doctors to educate families about genetic factors and cancer risk and help more families protect themselves from cancer.
How GIFT works
Step 1
Complete the GIFT survey you received in the mail. Then come back to this website and sign up for the study.
Step 2
Use the GIFT program to reach out to your family members.
Step 3
Your family members can learn about cancer risk and how to get at-home genetic testing.
Why GIFT is important
Who we are
We are cancer researchers from across the United States who are working to help protect families from cancer.

Larry An, MD
I was a caregiver for my mother before she died from breast cancer. I learned first-hand how important good communication is for families dealing with cancer. This is why I dedicate my work to projects like the GIFT study.

Allison Kurian, MD, MSc
As a cancer genetics physician, I help patients reduce their cancer risks. I’m excited about this opportunity to reduce cancer risks for their families.

Steven Katz, MD, MPH
It’s a privilege to be with a great team working for patients and their families to improve communication about cancer prevention.

The Genetic Information and Family Testing (GIFT) study is funded by the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society.